Do C’s Really Get Degrees? Why You Should Do Pre-Employment Screenings before Hiring

Did you know up to 85% of applicants lie on their resumes? So if you’re an employer asking yourself if pre-employment screenings are really necessary, the answer is likely yes.
A pre-employment screening verifies information that job candidates have given your business via their application or resume. As well as identifying qualifications, this screening can also include criminal history background checks.
Pre-employment screenings can also verify an individual’s level of education. This allows employers to determine a candidate’s suitability to a certain role—whether they have the qualifications, experience, and education level that’s required or claimed.
A pre-employment screening can either be carried out on a prospective employee or an employee that’s moved between roles within your organization. Verifying prior job history, certifications, and more can prove to be an invaluable step to take before investing in a candidate for a particular job role.
When Can You Administer a Pre-Employment Screening?
A pre-employment screening can generally be carried out after an applicant assessment and interviews. While state laws may limit how and when checks can be administered, federal law as outlined by the UGESP recognizes employers’ rights to administer pre-employment checks during the hiring process as long as the checks are related to the role.
What Are the Dangers of Not Conducting Pre-Employment Screenings?
Without the assurance of a reliable pre-employment screening, you may be enabling unsafe or unsuitable practices to be conducted by an employee who really isn’t qualified for the job. Additionally, you may end up rejecting valuable candidates who truly do have the proper qualifications for the role.
It is also dangerous to forego pre-employment screenings, as hiring an unfit candidate for a certain job could land your company with serious liability issues. If certain licensing requirements aren’t met, for example, employees could be criminally charged (for practicing law without a license, for instance). Companies could also face legal consequences for allowing an unlicensed person to work for them, especially if someone is harmed because of the employee’s actions.
Another danger that comes with not conducting pre-employment screenings is the effect on your business’ reputation. Damages caused by employees who are not truly qualified for their job role will likely hurt your company image, as well as be financially costly.
How is a Pre-Employment Screening Beneficial to Employers?
Pre-employment screenings are incredibly beneficial to employers. In fact, because it’s so common for applicants to fib on their resumes, pre-employment screenings have become standard practice for hiring managers. Pre-employment screenings give your business reassurance that the candidate truly has the qualifications and experience outlined on their resume.
Other benefits of conducting pre-employment screenings may include the following:
- You can verify reasons for employment gaps: Some candidates might have employment gaps on their resumes that could be worrying to hiring managers. While the reasons for gaps could be unassociated with their qualifications, such as that they took a year off to travel or go back to school, they could also be related to concealing a previous job they were fired from or other employment misconduct;
- You help avoid being accused of negligent hiring: You don’t want your business to be subject to a lawsuit because you hired an employee without looking into their background. By conducting pre-employment checks, you help avoid liabilities that your business might face as a result of negligent hiring.
- You help avoid the risk of wasting company money: Hiring an employee doesn’t come cheaply, and if you hire the wrong employee, it could inflate your costs unnecessarily.
- You help avoid negative impacts related to job performance: If a candidate has a lack of experience, they can slow down projects, negatively impact company culture, and make costly mistakes on the job.
In summary, it’s wise for several reasons for employers to conduct pre-employment screenings during their hiring processes. Pre-employment screenings help companies avoid damages that could otherwise seriously impact business success and mitigate the risks associated with hiring new employees.